Insight from a Psychotherapist: Barbie has a point.

Natasha Watkinson, LMHC
2 min readJan 6, 2024

If I am to believe the news (which I think is the basic premise), we only have a short time left on this planet. I flutter between nihilism and realism. I understand and treat the anxiety we collectively feel about the future and I also know there are some pains in this life that are not self-chosen.

Self Sabotage is absolutely brought on by our choices. Then there are the other aches we must simply endure. Yet who governs us, our rule of law — in the United States of America — -that is a choice. One person, one vote is the ethos of our Founders. It took us a while to get close to that and we aren’t quite 💯 yet; nevertheless…

Lenny gets it.

A question: Macho Politics has resulted with us where exactly? The Stock Market is bullish? Country Club and Weapons industries are booming? Are we satisfied with multiple regional wars, global in impact? A climate destroyed, gasping for air; guns in the hands of the deranged and deluded; Authoritarian leaders, spouting dangerous rhetoric.

Is this really our best work?

Modern men (historically #notallmen) have enjoyed their complicated dividends and math riddles. Monetizing games and logistics to gain power and influence. Macho signaling and peacocking with their watches and wives. You’ve had a good run, boys, so let me not diminish your considerable talents and achievements. Many of you failed upwards in spectacular fashion. Some of you have literally saved our lives. We do have gratitude, for so much, but I am not alone in thinking it is time for the women+ to take over.

Let’s try it our way for a bit. Come on! You guys deserve a rest. If it is, in fact, the last quarter of this spectacular dimension/simulation called Life, then the B 💖 team should have their turn now.

